sitio de archivo, para información actualizada visite
The strict observance of International Humanitarian Law
Policy on Human Rights and International Humanitarian Law. Progress report, March 2000
Non-Governmental Organizations: "Cimarrón", national movement for the Human Rights of Afro-Colombian Communities
Some infringements of International Humanitarian Law
Patascoy Military Base
Puracé Massacre
Members of a gnostic religious group
Homicide of captain Wilson Quintero and other members of the National Police
Homicides of Alberto Sánchez and Luis Alberto Rincón
Homicide of Father Alcides Jiménez
Massacre of Vigía del Fuerte


Calle 7 No. 5-54, of.217 Santa Fe de Bogotá, D.C., Colombia
Tel. 336 0311 Fax 337 4667 E-mail:

Gustavo Bell Lemus Vicepresidente de la República
 Coordinación/Coordination Oficina del Alto Consejero Presidencial

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