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Some infringements of International Humanitarian Law

The intensification of the conflict in Colombia can be quantified by looking at the growth in the number of infringements of international humanitarian law. This has been considerable in the past three years. Homicide is the most frequent infringement, and its incidence has risen noticeably. Violations of the rights to life and physical integrity of persons, terrorist acts and hostage-takings are also conspicuous practices. There has also been a marked increase in the recruitment of children by the illegal armed parties. The role played by self-defense groups in the aggravation of the humanitarian situation has become more and more significant in recent times.

Source: Army Command.
A total of 425 civilians were killed between January and March 2000. 196 of them fell victims to guerrilla groups and 227 to self-defense groups. Two persons were killed in the crossfire between guerrillas and members of self-defense groups.

According to information provided by the non-governmental organization: Center for Research and Popular Education, CINEP, on infringements of International Humanitarian Law in 1999, self-defense groups committed 74% of homicides of protected persons, and are responsible for 85% of the cases of torture. In other words, most of these infringements are attributed to them. The guerrillas are responsible for 98% of hostage-takings, 77% of threats, 75% of cases of forced recruitment, and 70% of cases involving injuries to people. In the context of the war, the Military Forces and the Police are held responsible for 12% of cases involving injuries to people, 7% of cases of torture, and 2 % of homicides of protected persons.

General Army Command figures relating to violations of the rights to life and physical integrity of persons over the past three years, show a growing trend in the number of infringements of international humanitarian law committed by self-defense groups. This also applies to the guerrillas, although their participation in this kind of actions had slightly decreased in 1998. The FARC commit the largest number of infringements of international humanitarian law.

With regard to homicide as an infringement of international humanitarian law, the General Army Command recorded twenty cases of death in combat of protected persons in 1999. Protected persons include persons taking no active part in the hostilities, including members of the Armed Forces who have laid down their arms, and those placed hors de combat by a diversity of circumstances. Guerrilla and self-defense groups have perpetrated these crimes on a large scale.

Source: CINEP - Justice and Peace’s data bank
Processed by: Observatory on Human Rights in Colombia, Office of the Vicepresident of the Republic of Colombia.

Other infringements of international humanitarian law include the killing of civilians outside of combat, but within the context of the armed conflict. In 1999 the Army recorded 1,561 victims whose cases constitute summary and extrajudicial executions carried out by armed parties to the conflict. The figure for January to March 2000 is 425. Subversive groups murder civilians, who they select either for their alleged links with self-defense groups or the military, or for failing to satisfy their demands. Another practice is the so-called summary execution, frequently committed against those who provide supplies to the military or to self-defense groups, or those who would not meet demands made to them. The guerrillas and self-defense groups commit massacres of civilians as war practices. It is worth pointing out that the strategy employed by self-defense groups is based on attacks on the civilian population.

Source: Army Command.
Processed by: Observatory on Human Rights in Colombia, Office of the Vicepresident of the Republic of Colombia.