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Homicides of Alberto Sánchez and Luis Alberto Rincón
The crimes took place on the road to Cuesta Rica rural district, in El Playón, department of Santander, on November 28, 1999. In May 2000 a warrant for the arrest and preventive detention of Orlando Sánchez-Calderón, alias Camuro, José-León Morales-López, alias Chejo, and Gregorio Castillo, alias Goyo, was issued for their alleged responsibility in these homicides.

Patascoy Military Base
On December 21, 1997, a 400-strong group of the FARC’s Southern Block stormed a military base in the Patascoy mountain, on the border between Nariño and Putumayo, where an Army Communications Station is located. Soldiers belonging to the Batalla de Boyacá Infantry Battallion were stationed in that place. 22 soldiers were killed in the attack and 18 were taken hostage by the FARC. In February 1998 the Human Rights Unit of the Prosecutor General’s Office conducted a preliminary hearing in connection with this case. Two members of the FARC were linked to it and summoned for questioning. Ten high-ranking members of the FARC were subsequently linked to the case and summoned for questioning. They are Luciano Marín, alias Iván Marqués, Rodrigo Londoño, alias Timoleón Jiménez or Timochenco, Jorge Briceño-Suarez, alias Mono Jojoy, Pedro-Antonio Marín, alias Manuel Marulanda-Vélez or Tirofijo, Guillermo-León Saénz-Vargas, alias Alfonso Cano, Milton de Jesús Toncel-Redondo, alias Joaquin Gómez, José-Benito Cabrera-Cuevas, alias Fabián Ramirez, Luis-Edgar Devia, alias Raúl Reyes, Luis-Gonzalo Mavisoy-Guatapotoy and another individual.

Puracé massacre
On November 4, 1994, heavily-armed men ambushed three patrols which were on their way to the Chapio mines, in the municipality of Purace, department of Cauca. A bus belonging to the Don Bosco School happened to arrive at the scene at the time of the attack. As a result of it one officer, one non-commissioned officer, nine policemen and two students were killed. Through a resolution of February 2000 the Prosecutor General’s Office ordered Tiberio Serpa-Diaz, alias Comandante Julio, of the FARC’s 6th Front, to be placed in preventive detention for rebellion, terrorism, homicide for terrorist ends and inflicting personal injury for terrorist ends.

Members of a gnostic religious group
In May 1999 in the municipality of Puerto Rico, department of Caquetá, members of the FARC’s Teófilo Forero group kidnapped 17 persons, including some members of a gnostic religious group and inhabitants of the area. Among those kidnapped were four children, released later on. As FARC commander Laurentino was willing to admit, 12 adults were subsequently executed. In February this year the Human Rights Unit of the Prosecutor General’s Office ordered Pedro Nel Daza, alias Laurentino, to be placed in preventive detention for kidnapping, extortion and aggravated homicide.

Homicide of Captain Wilson Quintero and other members of the National Police
On March 23, 1998, the guerrillas kidnapped several members of the National Police anti-narcotics squad who had just conducted an operation against drugs trafficking. They tried to escape from their place of captivity but were chased, found and killed in “Alto de las Cruces”, department of Vichada, on September 17, 1999. In March 2000 the Prosecutor General’s Office issued a resolution ordering the arrest and preventive detention of Nolberto Núñez for complicity in aggravated homicide.

Homicide of Father Alcides Jiménez
The murder of priest Alcides Jiménez took place on September 11, 1998 in Puerto Caicedo, department of Putumayo. In july 1999 the Prosecutor General’s Office ordered a preliminary inquiry to be conducted, and issued an arrest warrant against Arley Leal, commander of the FARC’s 32nd Front. Another investigation was launched into charges of negligence against the state for failing to provide protection. Currently at a preliminary stage, it is conducted by the Attorney General’s Ofice. The case is being considered by the Special Committee on cases.

Massacre of Vigía del Fuerte It took place in Vigía del Fuerte munipality, in Urabá region, department of Antioquia, on March 25, 2000, when 400 armed men attacked the town with gas cylinders. The attack left 21 members of the police dead. The mayor, his bodyguard and six civilians were also killed. Seven police officers were taken hostage and another four people were injured. Several weapons were stolen. In April an order was issued for Luis-Fernando Zapata-Hinestroza, member of the FARC’s 34th Front, to be arrested and kept in preventive detention for his alleged role in multiple homicide for terrorist ends in concurrence with multiple kidnapping, aggravated robbery, damage to other people’s property and rebellion.