¿Cuál es el estatus legal de los Principios Rectores de la ONU, son voluntarios?
What is the legal status of the UN Guiding Principles, are they voluntary?
All states are expected to protect against human rights abuse in business related operations, and in many countries, including Colombia the ratification of many international human rights instruments makes it a legal duty. The private sector has an important role in reaching sustainable development, and sustainable and long-lasting peace. In Colombia there are various legal instruments that refer to the private sector obligation to respect human rights. The minimum requirement however is that companies respect human rights. In other words that the private sector secures that its business operations so not, directly or indirectly contribute to violation of human rights. This requires companies to implement due diligence processes. The responsibility to respect human rights is in some cases also directly incorporated in contracts with suppliers and clients, this is the e.g. the case for the state-owned company EPM.
¿Por qué es el Plan de Acción Nacional sobre Empresa y Derechos Humanos e importante instrumento para lograr la paz?
El Gobierno de Colombia está plenamente convencido de que la paz sostenible y duradera sólo puede lograrse mediante la plena protección y el respeto de los derechos humanos. En el proceso de construcción de la paz, Colombia asume los más altos estándares de derechos humanos. El Plan Nacional de Acción representa la respuesta de Colombia a la implementación nacional de los Principios Rectores de la ONU.
Why is the National Action Plan on Business and Human Rights and important tool for achieving peace?
The government of Colombia is fully convinced that the sustainable and long-lasting peace can only be achieved through full protection and respect for human rights. In the peacebuilding process Colombia assumes the highest human rights standards and the NAP represents Colombia´s response to national implementation of the UN Guiding Principles. It incorporates essential elements such as participation and sustainable agricultural development e.g. which are corner stones in the peace agreement.
¿Cuáles son los mecanismos de gobernanza del Plan de Acción Nacional de Negocios y Derechos Humanos?
Se han establecido dos órganos de gobierno para la implementación del Plan Nacional de Acción: el Grupo de Trabajo Interinstitucional y la Comisión Asesora
What are the governance mechanisms of the National Action Plan on Business and Human Rights?
Two governances organs have been established for the implementation of the National Action Plan: the interinstitutional working group, and the advisory committee.