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Non-governmental Human Rights organizations:
The Colombian Commission of Jurists

The Colombian Commission of Jurists is a non-governmental organization with consultative status with the United Nations. Its activities began in 1988, focusing on the legal protection of Human Rights. It is a member of the Lima-based Andean Commission of Jurists and the International Commission of Jurists based in Geneva.

The main task of the Colombian Commission of Jurists is that of promoting, through legal means, the full observance of human, civil, cultural, economic, political and social rights, as defined by the relevant international agreements and jurisprudence arising from decisions made by bodies created by treaty, special proceedings, and the rulings of courts established for the protection and promotion of Human Rights. These rights are of a universal, indivisible and interdependent nature.

The aims of the Commission, laid down in its charter, are as follows: to contribute to the development of international law relating to Human Rights and International Humanitarian Law, in accordance with the aims and principles of the United Nations Charter. To contribute to the preservation of the rule of law and the protection of Human Rights in Colombia, through research and the spreading of information. To promote knowledge and use of the relevant rules and legal instruments.

The Colombian Commission of Jurists views Human Rights as values in themselves. They can not be used for political or other ends. Therefore, it describes itself as a pluralistic, tolerant, non-denominational organization, unrelated to any political party. These characteristics are reflected as much in the organization itself, as in its action. The Colombian Commission of Jurists bases its credibility on the truthfulness of its reports and denunciations regarding general, collective and individual issues. Thus it seeks to contribute to an effective civic education, and to the formation of a culture of respect for Human Rights.

The work of the Colombian Commission of Jurists benefits the people of Colombia, who enjoy Human Rights and are the victims of their violations. Internationally, it benefits the people of the world, for its actions are part of the universal Human Rights movement.