The effectiveness of the Colombian government's policy on Human Rights
and International Humanitarian Law, and the government's determination
to fight against illegal armed groups and combat impunity in cases of
serious Human Rights violations, can be measured, firstly, by the results
achieved by the military forces and the police in their operations.
Secondly, by the action taken by the competent judicial agencies to
punish the illegal armed parties for Human Rights violations and breaches
of International Humanitarian Law. In both cases, the figures show the
results of the fight against armed insurgents and self-defense groups.
A comparative analysis of the results of operations launched by the military forces and the police, bring to light recent achievements in a fight equally waged against all illegal armed groups. As far as the self-defense groups are concerned, as many casualties were reported during the first six months of 2000 as in the whole of the period between 1998 and 1999. As regards casualties and arrests of members of subversive groups, during the first six months of 2000 the figures were proportionally higher than those reported since 1997.
In connection with the results achieved by the justice administration bodies, historical data from the Human Rights Unit of the Prosecutor General's Office reveal increased effectiveness. By measuring judicial performance by the current state of investigations and drawing comparisons between the situation in August 1999, December 1999 and July 2000, it is possible to see a clear rise in the figures for restraining orders, indictments, arrests and arrest warrants issued against members of subversive and self-defense groups.