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by NGO's and other institutions.
with Political Prisoners Committee Foundation, CSPP The Solidarity with Political Prisoners Committee Foundation is a non-governmental Human Rights organization, legally recognized by the state and registered in 1973. Its creation was the initiative of social organizations and individuals concerned about the rights of people detained for political motives. Since it was established, the Committee has carried out campaigns to promote and educate on human rights in many regions of the country. These campaigns have been targeted at a variety of social sectors, principally those most vulnerable. The aim of these campaigns is to confront all forms of political persecution. The Committee has thus contributed to the diffusion of mechanisms to protect fundamental rights and the ways in which communities can make adequate use of them. The CSPP Foundation has gained wide experience in the defense of Human Rights, in filing and handling reports about acts which threaten or infringe the fundamental rights to life, liberty and personal integrity, in taking emergency measures, in issuing public denunciations, in following procedures with the authorities responsible, and in lodging appeals. In recent years, in addition to its work of making demands and filing complaints with the authorities, the Foundation has entered into dialogue with the state through the handling of specific cases and the presentation and discussion of policy proposals for the protection of human rights. It has also taken part in governmental and non-governmental joint commissions. After 23 years of uninterrupted work defending human dignity, the CSPP Foundation has earned recognition from numerous social and human rights organizations, international non-governmental and intergovernmental bodies, and state offices. Colombian
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