Actions taken and results
The Human Rights Unit of the Office of the Prosecutor General, to which criminal proceedings relating to serious violations of Human Rights are assigned, reported that the investigations conducted by it have had the following results: 400 arrest warrants have been issued; 272 people have been arrested, and 914 decisions have been handed down. Out of these decisions, 424 were about arrests, 457 about indictments, and 33 about advance sentences. Judicial work carried out by the Unit has resulted in indictments for Human Rights violations, particularly against members of self-defense groups, and also members of subversive groups. Likewise, responsibility in deeds of this kind of members of the Armed Forces and the Police has been established. Of all indictments issued by the Unit, 56.6 % (240) were against members of self-defense groups. Of all orders to take people into custody, 58.4% (267) were also against them, as were 81.8% (27) of all advance sentences passed. Against subversive groups 52 orders to take people into custody were issued (11%), as well as 51 indictments (12%). The remainder of judicial measures adopted were against members of state bodies and private individuals.
As far as the crime of "formation of armed and paramilitary groups" is concerned, the Human Rights Unit of the Office of the Prosecutor General was conducting 22 cases in August, that is, 3.72% of the 591 cases assigned to it. On charges relating to these cases, involving 79 victims, 73 members of self-defense groups had been indicted. Arrest warrants had been issued against a further 29. Comparing the Prosecutor General�s Office figures for the period up to December 1998 with more recent figures for October 1999, the laboriousness of the Unit in the area of Human Rights is perceptible, particularly as regards punishment for Human Rights violations committed by self-defense and subversive groups.